Haiyan Wang

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Personal Information

Basic Information


Haiyan Wang


Associate   Professor


College of Informatics, Huazhong Agricultural   University


No.1 Shizishan Street, Hongshan District, Wuhan 430070, China





Research Interest

My research   interests focus on the genomic data analysis related to animal disease   resistance and immunology, incorporating machine learning methods to explore   data.


Education and research experience


Associate     Professor in Bioinformatics, College of Informatics, Huazhong Agricultural University,     Wuhan, China



Ph. D. animal genetics,     breeding and reproduction, Key Laboratory of Agricultural Animal Genetics,     Breeding and Reproduction of Ministry of Education, Huazhong Agricultural     University


Grants (Government-funded)


The National Natural Science Foundation     of China (31501922), Fine-mapping major genes for the ratio of CD4+/CD8+ in     pigs combining target region resequencing and single type cell RNA-Seq     analysis


The Fundamental Research Funds for the     Central Universities of China (2662018JC033), Pig Multi-omics Data Integration     Platform based on Distributed Platform and Machine Learning


Representative publications*for corresponding authors, # for first authors

1.   Shuaifei Feng , Xiaoyong Du, Chao Wang , Dengdeng Ye,Guanjun Ma,Shuhong Zhao,Haiyan   Wang* , Xiangdong Liu. Identification of mRNAs Related to Tibial   Cartilage Development of Yorkshire Piglets, BioMed Research International,   Volume 2019.

2.Adeyinka   Abiola Adetula, Xiangdong Liu, Thuy Nhien Tran Thi, Ali Akbar BhuiyanXiaoyong Du, Mengjin Zhu,   Xinyun Li , Shuhong Zhao, Yunlong Ma, Haiyan Wang*Transcriptional profiling of   leucocyte count variation from  porcine peripheral blood reveals   differential gene expression[J].BioMed Research InternationalVolume 2018, Article ID 1496536, 11 pages   https://doi.org/10.1155/2018/1496536

3.Haiyan WANG#, Qiaoxia ZHANG,   Lilin YIN, Xiangdong LIU, Shuhong ZHAO, Mengjin ZHU,Changchun LI. Transcriptomic   basis of neutrophil ratio variation induced by poly I:C stimulation in   porcine peripheral blood. Front. Agr. Sci. Eng. 2017, 4(3): 342–352

4. Luo Xing, Yin Lilin,Liu Fei, Zhang   Weixu, Li Xinyun, Zhao Shuhong, Wanghaiyan*. Association between   polymorphism of BCL10,Nramp1 gene and diarrhea traits in large white piglets   before weaning. Journal of Huazhong Agricultural University, 2017,   36(4):83-89
  5. Hu Suqin, Zhang Xianbo, Shan shuwen,Luan Yu, Zhu Mengjin, Wanghaiyan*.Associations   of BCL10 Gene’s Polymorphisms with Blood Parameters in Large White. Chinese   Journal of Animal Science, 2016, 52(13):18-2210

6.Wang Haiyan#, He Jiawei, Xiang   Anjing, Zhang Cheng, Zhu Mengjin, Zhaoshuhong, Liu Xiangdong. Effects of Poly   I:C stimulation on blood parameters of Duroc-Erhualian F2 pigs. Journal of   Huazhong Agricultural University, 2016, 35(4):27-32

7. Thuy Nhien Thi Tran, Pan Ni, Jianhai Chen, Thuy Thi   Le, Kemp Steve,Jianlin Han, Haiyan Wang* & Shuhong Zhao. The   complete mitochondrial genome of Mong Cai pig (Sus scrofa) in   Vietnam[J].Mitochondrial Dna,2016:226-227. (SCI)
  8. H. Wang#, Y. Hou, J. Guo, H. Chen, X. Liu, Z. Wu, S. Zhao and M.   Zhu. Transcriptomic landscape for lymphocyte count variation in poly   I:C-induced porcine peripheral blood[J]. Animal Genetics, 2015, 47(1):49
61. (SCI)
  9. H Wang#
J Cao   S Zhao. PGED: A Porcine Gene Expression Data Repository Based on Affymetrix   Genechip[J].Journal of Animal & Veterinary Advances, 2012, 10(5):659-662.   (SCI)



ICP 05008441 Address: No. 430070, Shizishan Street, Nanhu, Wuhan, Hubei Province
Telephone number: 027-87288509 recruitment and employment telephone number: 027-87286876 E Mail: Coi@mail. com. Hzau.edu.cn at coi-xinwen@mail. hzau.edu.cn

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